IPS Academy College of Law


We organise training programs to enhance the mental ability of students in dealing with social issues in real world, which includes:
a. Academic Curriculum:
In the light of foundational and core legal subjects our teachers focus on legal skill development of students by organising mock trails and legal writing workshops. Also make them understand Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility. Also focus on In-depth training in advanced legal research methods using online databases and other resources by giving training in the use of technology for legal research, case management, and communication.
b. Practical Training:
we organise moot court competitions and internships to various courts and tribunals. Where students can relate with the court proceedings and interpret their knowledge. Also we organise legal literacy caps and educational tours.
c. Faculty Expertise:
We invite guest speakers, including practicing lawyers, to give lectures or conduct workshops on legal topics. These events can provide students with insights into the challenges and rewards of working in the legal sector.